Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Simone to the Rescue

The story goes that we were babysitting a dog named Simone – a lovely pit bull with a sweeter disposition than the breed’s reputation would suggest. My two-year-old daughter adored her, and she liked to show her off to as many people as would pay attention.

So she took Simone for a walk.

Ordinarily, this would not be cause for alarm. But my daughter had no leash, no permission, and no clothes. Unbeknownst to her parents, this little girl decided to wander out into the street in her underwear with a dog by her side.

We found out when the police decided to return both Simone and my daughter to our doorstep. They were slightly perturbed that we had taken no notice of her dog excursion. I’m not quite sure how they found her house, as my daughter wasn’t speaking in complete sentences. The most likely scenario is that our neighbors turned us in, but I like to believe that Simone was looking out for us.

I mean, how many times did Lassie let her owners know about a fire or a burglary or a protracted labor dispute? All she had to do was bark a few times. Simone didn’t bark, but her eyes spoke volumes. Is it too much to believe that the police took one look at her sad, forlorn face and knew exactly where she belonged?

Yes, it is. But I choose to believe it anyway. Dogs make the world a better place, especially for lost, naked children who get picked up by the police.

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