Thursday, June 24, 2010

Doggie Diarrhea Remedies

Okay, so that's not the most appealing title in the world. But it's certainly more appealing than the problem of a dog with the runs. In fact, according to one veterinarian, people asked for advice on curing this nasty condition with alarming regularity.So he came up with a home remedy that can usually cure the condition within 24 hours.

From the website The Fun Times Guide:


#1 Instead of their usual dog food, give your pet small servings of a bland diet 4-5 times throughout the day.

Choose from:
  • cooked white rice (no butter or flavorings)
  • cottage cheese (no liquid)
  • boiled chicken (no grease, no skin, no flavorings)
  • boiled turkey (no grease, no skin, no flavorings)
  • scrambled egg (no butter or oil)
  • boiled egg (no butter or oil)
  • boiled potato (no skin or flavorings)
  • baked potato (no skin or flavorings)
#2 Continue to feed several small servings of this bland diet for a couple days in gradually increasing amounts until a formed stool is passed. Then, start to wean your pet back to its regular food over the course of a week by gradually working in small amounts of their regular dry dog food.

#3 Do not give your dog bones, snacks or table scraps, because they may irritate the intestinal tract during this time.

#4 Dogs can also be given a dose of Pepto Bismol every 6 hours. (Dosage depends on your dog's weight: 1 ml per lb.) Bonus, the Pepto Bismol also works to stop vomiting.

#5 Two other over-the-counter medicines can be given to dogs with diarrhea: Imodium AD (1 ml per lb. every 8 hours) and Kaopectate (1 ml per lb. every 2 hours).

Please heed this word of warning before you dispense human medications to your pet.
Vet or no vet? Advice on whether it's time to see the vet when your dog has diarrhea for more than 24 hours.

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